Child Appeal Charity

risks of the internet
Articles, children, Protection

The Risks of the Internet on Children: How to Protect Our Children?

The internet is a powerful and global means of communication in our modern world, and The Risks of the Internet on Children are increasing day by day. According to the United Nations, young people today are the driving force and most interactive on electronic communication platforms. In 2022, 75% of individuals aged between 15 and 24 were using Internet communication, compared to 65% of the rest of the world’s population.

However, it’s not just about young people; children also spend more time on the internet today than ever before, at an increasing rate. Every half-second, a child connects to the internet for the first time. This reality raises important questions about the risks children may encounter while browsing the internet and using social media platforms.

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Common Risks of the Internet on Children

With increased internet usage among children, several risks emerge that parents and caregivers should be aware of. One of these risks is cyberbullying, where children are exposed to threats, harassment, and abuse online by strangers. This may include violent messages, cyberbullying, and demands for personal information.

Additionally, children face the risk of encountering inappropriate content on the internet. They may come across materials containing excessive violence, sexual scenes, incitement to violence, or harmful behavior. This type of content can negatively impact their psychological and emotional development.

Furthermore, there is a risk of online scams targeting children. They may be exposed to attempts of fraud and manipulation through fake messages and deceptive websites. They may be lured into providing personal information or engaging in unsafe activities, threatening their privacy and personal safety.

Children may also be unaware of the dangers associated with sharing personal information online. They may be asked for their names, addresses, and other details by untrustworthy individuals or unsafe platforms.

How to Protect Our Children on the Internet?

1. Awareness and Education:

   – Educate your children about potential risks on the internet and explain to them the importance of being cautious and responsible while browsing.

   – Emphasize that they should not share personal information such as their full names, addresses, and phone numbers with unknown individuals online.

2. Parental Supervision:

   Monitor your children’s internet activity and regulate the time they spend using electronic devices. Utilize parental control tools available on devices and applications to set time limits and filter inappropriate content.

3. Create a Safe Environment:

   Arrange electronic devices in a shared area of the house, such as the living room, where you can easily see their activities. Install parental monitoring and filtering software that helps prevent children from accessing inappropriate internet content.

4. Teach Safe Browsing Skills:

   Teach your children how to identify safe and reliable websites and how to verify the accuracy of information circulated online. Encourage them to report any threats or harassment they may experience online.

5. Maintain Open Communication:

   Keep lines of open communication with your children and build trust so they feel comfortable sharing their experiences and any problems they may encounter online. This provides them with a safe space to discuss concerns and negative experiences they may have online.

These strategies aim to provide a safe and responsible environment for children when using the internet. Remember, monitoring and conscious communication with children is fundamental in protecting them from potential risks. Parents and caregivers need to be fully aware of the risks of the internet and take the necessary steps to protect their children. They need to guide and educate children about safe and responsible internet usage behaviors. Additionally, content filtering programs and parental control applications can be used to monitor and protect children’s online activities.

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