Electronic screen usage is an integral part of our daily lives, as screens are everywhere, whether in our homes or educational institutions. In this digital age, we cannot ignore the impact of screen usage on the youngest age groups, especially children. While these screens offer an exciting world of fun, entertainment, and useful and useless information, they also carry with them challenges and risks that may affect children’s growth and development.

What are the effects of screen usage on children?

Experts’ opinions differ on the impact of these screens on children’s health, and one of the most important areas of interest for researchers is the impact on visual health. Recent research indicates that children who spend a lot of time in front of screens may face serious risks to the health of their eyes. Constant focus on screens, whether gaming or watching, makes the eye muscles work harder than usual, which can cause eye fatigue and dryness. This may in turn increase the risk of developing vision problems such as nearsightedness. But the damage is not limited to visual health only but extends to the psychological aspect as well. Researchers suggest that children’s prolonged screen time may negatively affect their social communication and ability to interact with others in the real world. This effect may enhance feelings of isolation and lead to decreased interest in social activities and positive interactions. Therefore, parents and educators should be aware of the potential negative impact of screens on children’s visual and psychological health. It is essential to monitor screen time and ensure that there are rest and rest periods between long periods in front of screens.

At what age can a child watch TV and for how long?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), screen time should be regulated for children. This is based on the age and physical and psychological development of the children, to ensure a healthy and beneficial experience. Children under the age of two: Children under 2 years of age should not be exposed to screens. At this vital stage of development, babies need direct interaction with the world around them to develop their senses and social skills. Children aged 2 – 5 years: Screen time should be reduced for this age group. It is advised that the total screen time should not exceed 1 hour per day. This limited time allows children to benefit from educational and entertaining content without overuse. Children over 6 years old: For children over the age of five, their screen time must be organized wisely. The decision on how much screen time to use is up to parents and educators. Specific periods of watching TV and other devices can be set, to maintain an appropriate balance between benefiting from technology and other important activities.

How do we reduce children’s use of screens before starting school?

Reducing screen use before school starts is an important step in enhancing their focus and readiness to learn. Here are some tips to help you achieve this: 1. Set time limits: Establish, together with your children, a set screen time each day, and be strict about these limits. Remember that these limits will help children devote more time to other useful activities. 2. Do useful activities: Create a daily schedule that includes a variety of activities, such as playing outside, reading, drawing, and playing sports. You can set screen time but don’t allow too much screen time. 3. Involve your children in choosing what they will watch: Watch the tutorials with them and use these moments to build a dialogue around the topics covered in the content.