How to protect your child from during cold season from diseases such as the flu and the common cold? Winter brings with it colds that spread a lot in this season. According to the National Foundation for Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the United States of America, the reason for the prevalence of cold diseases and their increase in rates in the winter season is that people stay more in homes and closed places near each other. Which helps viruses that cause cold diseases to transmit more. There are more than 200 different types of viruses that cause the common cold. The most common among those viruses is the “rhinovirus”, which causes a runny nose, sneezing, and fever.
What are the symptoms of the common cold in children?
-A burning sensation in the throat – Sneezing, coughing, and runny nose – Fever, elevated body temperature, and headache – Decreased appetite, muscle pain, and some fatigue
How do we protect our children from the common cold?
-For young children, breastfeeding is one of the best ways to protect your child by strengthening his immunity. – Prevent the accumulation and reproduction of germs in the home by ventilating it regularly. – Not sharing personal belongings with others – Get your child used to washing his hands regularly, especially when he touches his nose. And remind him of the need to use the sterilizer – Keep your child away from people with colds to avoid transmission
When is a cold dangerous for your child?
You should consult a doctor immediately if your child suffers from: high fever -He refuses to drink fluids – Vomits frequently – He has trouble breathing – He coughs constantly – His body temperature is over 38.5 degrees Celsius – Has a severe headache, rash, trouble breathing, or chest pain
“Child Appeal” and children’s health
Child Appeal is concerned with the health of children in the Middle East and North Africa region. Through the support projects that it implements in various seasons of the year, especially in the winter, when the need is great for poor families and families of orphans. Where the Child Appeal Foundation seeks to protect children through clothing projects, food parcels, and the distribution of blankets and firewood for heating for children in camps and poor families in various areas of its work. Contribute to the Child Appeal Foundation to help the largest number of children in need Donate