Everyone commonly experiences anxiety from time to time, as it is a natural response to anticipated threats or stressful situations. The “fight or flight” system prepares our body to face danger, manifested by symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, and increased alertness. As for anxiety disorder in children, it is when anxiety exceeds normal limits becomes accelerated, and interferes with the child’s life, as this becomes an anxiety disorder. This shift can significantly impact their sleep, school performance, social interactions, and overall well-being.
Causes of anxiety disorder in children:
In fact, Children can acquire anxiety from anxious people in their surroundings There are many causes of anxiety, including: – Family reasons: – Loss of someone close – Family disagreements – Parental separation -Social and environmental factors: – Change at home or school – The child was assaulted – The phenomenon of bullying
How do I know if my child has anxiety? (Symptoms):
Physical symptoms: shortness of breath Headache or feeling faint Heart palpitations Breathe quickly Psychological and behavioral symptoms: Lack of concentration Feeling panicked or stressed Feeling exhausted, tired, and angry Difficulty sleeping and decreased appetite
How can anxiety disorder be treated?
Many methods can be followed to treat anxiety disorder in children. To begin with, Behavioral therapy involves dealing with anxiety by gradually exposing the child to situations that trigger those feelings, with a focus on reducing the negative impact of these situations. In some cases, it is preferable to use medication to deal with severe symptoms of it, under medical supervision. In addition, family and social support play an essential role in treating anxiety disorder, as parents provide emotional support and motivation to the child, in addition to encouraging him to participate in social activities and build positive relationships. Doctors and specialists carefully evaluate to determine the appropriate treatment, adapting the treatment plan to the needs and circumstances of each child.