Child Appeal Charity implemented the second phase of the vision examination project. The association distributed suitable medical glasses to dozens of children in Lebanon. It is noteworthy that the Foundation implemented the first phase of it in February of this year. Within the framework of its projects, through which it seeks to take care of the health of poor children and orphans. Vision problems cause many obstacles for children during their studies and daily life.

Children in Lebanon are also experiencing severe financial hardship. Where the country has been hit for more than two years by the economic collapse of the local currency against the US dollar, which reduced the purchasing power of many families and made them live below the poverty line.

Vision problems are very common among children. The incidence of children between 4 and 10 years old reached 34% of them suffering from vision problems. The Observatory of Prices and Care in Optical Medicine showed that 26% of kindergarten children suffer from visual vision disorders. 31% of first-primary students, and 34% of second-primary students.
According to the French Society of Ophthalmology, it expects the incidence of eye disease to reach 50% in 2050, compared to 20 to 30% today.
Some doctors also suggest that this increase in the percentage of people with eye diseases is a development and a lifestyle change. As children spend more hours in front of telephone and television screens.

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