
Food Security & Livelihood


10,000 $


Palestine, Turkey, Lebanon

People who got help

106.8 K

Number of projects implemented



Food Security & Livelihood


10,000 $


Palestine, Turkey, Lebanon

People who got help

106.8 K

Number of projects implemented


In the midst of crises, we fight hunger and ensure a dignified life for our children! The food security projects of “Child Appeal” embody our noble mission to protect and support our children, especially in regions ravaged by wars and disasters.

 A Worrying Reality Demands Urgent Intervention:

– Over half of Syria’s population suffers from hunger, while Gaza faces catastrophic levels of hunger.

– We cannot ignore these alarming figures; we must act swiftly to save the lives of needy children and families.;

 390 Projects of Hope:

– Since 2022, we have implemented over 390 food security projects in Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Gaza.

– We provide food to needy families, helping them meet their basic needs by distributing food baskets, vegetables, and infant formula.

– Our projects not only supply food but also restore hope to exhausted families and create a sense of stability in their lives.

 Food: A Key to Life and Dignity:

– At “Child Appeal,” we believe in every child’s right to sufficient food to live a healthy and dignified life.

– Food is the cornerstone for children’s growth and development, playing a crucial role in boosting their immunity and resistance to diseases.

– Every meal provided represents a step towards a better future for our children, giving them the chance to grow and thrive.

 Together, We Build a Future Free from Hunger!

– Your contributions and support are essential to the continuation of our projects.

– Reach out to us today and join our journey in eradicating hunger and building a bright future for our children!

Child Appeal: A Helping Hand in Times of Hardship!

How We Solve This Project & Nb of projects implemented

Number of projects implemented

➡ Meals


➡ Food Baskets


➡ Infant Formula


➡ Vegetable Baskets

Joining Hands To Help The World’s

Some Outstanding Activities